Murder in Ft Wayne

Hello All,

                My name is Mychelle Williams I’m a wife and mother of 3 wonderful boys. I have had a passion for making a blog for several years to no avail. I have an interest and life goal to be a Life coach/ mentor. Well as I ask in my prayers to be directed in the path he has set for me here I am today writing my very first blog. I still was very stuck on what subjects I should cover and most importantly what means the most to people in my peers and the urban community were I’m going to get the feedback I’m looking for. It took me months and several Prayers to find the answer and I came up with the solution to just free-lance my subjects based on what was going on around me, in my family and community. Me being somewhat of a Sex Therapist (Independent Bedroom Kandi Consultant) I wanted to talk about practicing safe sex, I wanted to talk about sexual assault but as I sat to write my thoughts and feelings on said topics I wasn’t getting the itch or the excitement needed to have a successful topic. So I gave it a week or so and Prayed for the right topic to come for me if it was meant for me to start a blog. As the weeks pass by still no topic and no blog I’m nervous now cause I done talked on Facebook about how I’m starting a blog and I like to be a woman of my word if nothing else. So after having an adult timeout I realized what my first topic should be I Pray you guys enjoy and PLEASE feel free to reply.

                I’m from and reside in the 2nd largest city in Indiana and its located about 120 miles north of Indianapolis. The population is about 256,000 the city has a small town feeling everybody knows everybody or someone their related to, dating, married to or have children with. There are very few homeless people and several outlets to help provide shelter, food and clothing. According to the city ranked #56 in the top 150 cities to raise your family. Sounds like an alright place to live right? Right and wrong in the 32 years I have lived in Fort Wayne I have never heard or seen the city in such turmoil as it is now. Why would I say such thing? Because in the last few years we have seen so many people lose their lives to senseless murders. We have lost children, mothers and so many of our minority young men we have left so many children mother and fatherless and left to many mothers crying and with unanswered questions. In the last 3 years there has been a total of 89 homicides which 68 being unsolved murders ( You probably like that happens everywhere, yes it does but hears the problem here most if not all the murders took place on the southeast/west side of town where like I mentioned before EVERYBODY KNOWS EVERYBODY. These cowards that’s killing are only doing so because they have guns and are terrified to get their asses kicked we don’t have no real gangstas in Ft Wayne is to why I’m so appalled as to why so many of these murders are unsolved. If I can call out some people of interest how come the police can’t all I’ve done was be nosey and listen to the situations. I know it’s “innocent until proven guilty” and you have to have evidence to prove someone’s guilty, and you need witnesses. Ok here’s where the problem lays you have to ask questions to get answers and answers solve the problem. So what’s up with the investigation of these murders yeah in the beginning people might be hesitant to give up answers but after the funerals and those victims are put to rest do the city of Ft Wayne have homicide detectives that still look for answers after nobody is talking about the situation. Me personally I don’t believe so because I know people who were on the scenes of some homicides who has yet to be questioned or even approached by a homicide detective after the scene is over. I feel like Ft Wayne being a republican city they really could give two fucks about the minority community I feel they are like if they want to kill each other like animals why should we care, let them kill each other and we’ll focus on prosecuting those individuals who sale drugs and then the minority community a be extinct to the streets of Ft Wayne. The sad part is we are allowing it because I don’t know when it became ok to kill children and no one says or do anything inside the community. Take in instance the horrific murder of 16 years old Alonna Allison killed Aug. 30th, 2015, 2500 block of Schaper Dr. ( going to celebrate the birthday of a friend at a secure and adult chaperoned event was killed by crossfire of two rival “clicks” cus their not gangs. Somebody knows who the individuals that were shooting rather they be the people not allowed in the party rather you were around them after it happened or rather one of the shooters was one of your children or the intended target was your child. Somebody knows or have heard something. Here’s the thing, you know when you watch crime shows like First 48 and a witness gives a name and the police question the individuals? Rather the people being questioned give up any info or not they are still being questioned. Do the FWPD question people that are just possible witnesses to get answers? Is the FWPD allowed to just question people as possible witnesses I know people have the right to remain silence or ask for counsel, but does it ever get to that part? I was told by the mother of homicide of victim that the FWPD cannot question possible witnesses about a murder without a warrant. Is that true or has she been giving the wrong information. Even if that is true take the murder of Fashionee L. Moore killed Aug.15,2015 at 3032 Maumee Ave. ( Fashionee was murdered at a private club commonly known as the after-hours once again in crossfire of from what I hear was a few stupid ass individuals basically shooting for nothing. Ok here’s my problem with the community because no matter what time of the hour or where the location that woman was murdered in front of a crowd of people and don’t nobody know nothing or even feel like damn that could’ve been me. Because she wasn’t the intended target and nor was she alone when she was murdered and I know somebody was standing next to the shooter(s) somebody seen something. Remember she left children behind. Ok FWPD I wasn’t on the scene but I’m for almost certain that more than one or two people called 911 to report a shooting not shots fired so my question is can and do the police legally track those numbers and question the people on what they seen? I think after the funeral people tend to become less reluctant to answer questions. There are like I mentioned earlier 66 other unsolved murders but I mentioned those of Alonna and Fashionee because for one they were in crossfire of a group of cowardly, broke, uneducated and morally fucked individuals because it takes a sick person to kill a child and take a mother from her children negligibly and have no remorse to make it right for all those affected tragically by your selfish stupid ways. These ladies lost their whole lives to nothing and I believe that the community needs to speak but what happened to Protect and Serve why aren’t people being questioned 6 months after the homicide? Why do you snitch on your homeboy for pushing a lil something to cut yo time instead give up them names to all those unsolved murders and tell where them guns are or will it even matter?

                I Pray you guys enjoyed my input on murder in Ft Wayne, and please feel free to add yours. I mentioned the dates and locations where the homicides took place if you were there if you know somebody who was or anything be willing to speak to those families and give them closure. If you laying up next to the killer you’re just as cold as he/she is because killing a child recklessly is the most devastating tragedy a city could face, and with this city being so damn small for real somebody knows how to get these murders solved. Most of these crimes are caused by individuls 21-27 and they chirping like birds they have told somebody the story and more than likely a chick knows everything. To the mothers of those individuals out here causing havoc, I know that’s your child but why allow your child to hurt somebody else’s? I know as a mother you can’t control what yur child does once their out on their own but some names of the people I’ve heard that’s involved still latches to mommy so you know when something isn’t right with your child, you know when something is bothering your child and you know when your child has done something. As a mother you can almost pinpoint the date your child start acting a little off and if those dates coincide with these dates…. HANDLE DAT as a woman as a mother. And by any chance a FWPD police officer reads this please give me the input on the other side and help our community know our input will lead to arrest. Because the other day I tried calling crime stoppers just for these purposes and it was busy all 8 times I called in a 4-hour time frame, people lose interest fast if the FWPD is interested in the info. Oh yea and to Crime Stoppers change your moto “You tell we want!” that doesn’t sound good if you not telling hell neither am I. Maybe “You tell we’ll Catch” or something else!!!

                Look forward to weekly updates at of all types of topics!!! Thank you all so much!





“Nothing is never done for nothing! There’s always an underlying factor make it make sense!!”