Black Lives Matter

Recently I was on the scene of a homicide of a young man who was murdered in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon. Emotions were all over the place from spectators, the family, and friends who were all affected by this tragedy. As I was standing conversing with onlookers a police man (white) approached me and ask “Do you know anything? Are you a witness?” I stated that I wasn’t and the cop went on to say that something has to give, no one is ever willing to come forward and it’s another young black man dead in the street! As I turned to walk back towards my car a (girl) friend of the victim ran up crying hysterically yelling “they gone pay for this, they took him from me, they did this.” She even said a name or two. She continued to shout, she was yelling names and reasons on why the victim was murdered. Then one of her friends yelled for her to “Shut your damn mouth, you’re talking to much!” This is where the problem lies for me. My family or even a friend could not have been murdered in the street like an animal, and I remain silent because of street code. Why would anyone want their loved ones to die in vain? How y’all expect black lives to matter to any other race if black lives don’t seem matter to black people. Then to put the icing on the cake after the young man’s life was so visciously taken from him someone disrespected his soul, by putting his dead body and grieving relative on a social media site! How do black lives matter if black people don’t even respect their peers spirit? Black lives gotta matter to black people! I know that some of us are desensitized to tragedy and or death and we believe the police don’t wanna help or don’t give a damn about black lives, but if there’s no evidence you’ve got to have witnesses to charge and convict. It shouldn’t matter that the FWPD isn’t out looking for the murderer, especially if you were standing right next to the killer and not willing to say anything. Some of y’all wanna take matters into your own hands with “street justice,” with the belief that if your family is hurting theirs should be too. That’s bullshit to say the least, because though no one deserves to die these young men and women are dying for nothing! Would it make it better if there was a reason? No, but it’ll make it all make some kind of sense as to why there are so many homicides in such a small town. We certainly had some deaths that were complete tragedies and the victims were truly at the wrong place at the wrong time. But to the youngsters that put themselves in the situations to have conflict that causes them to have to carry pistols, or who have killed in the past and end up being killed themselves that’s truly karma. What you put out into this world is what you’ll receive. If we want black lives to matter we gotta start back appreciating black life. Start back communicating, and disciplining our children. I hear so many parents of “thugs” say “I’ve tried all I could but he did what he wanted.” Well at 16 when they began to skip school and start becoming disrespectful did you think about a military or boarding school? Did you think to call the pastor and have the church Pray for his soul? Did you reach out to a guidance counselor? Did you even think about a therapist? Black people are so naive and ignorant when it comes to mental disorders so when that child begins to act out it’s always “he or she is crazy” or “he or she isn’t going to be nothing!” and my favorite “I’m tired of that child!” So what do we typically do as a black nation? Give our child to the street where it’s gonna destroy them! I know once a child is an adult they’ll make their own decisions but a lot of these young adults started their behavior as children and it was always overlooked and or praised, now it’s a problem and they’ve gotten to far for a solution! As a parent do something with your child do not allow them to become menaces to society or a statistics. If we as parents start believing more in our black children we will begin to see black children who care more about black lives.”We’re living in a society where its political correct to let your child do whatever they want without enforcing any discipline, even if it means saving their lives!”-Unknown

6 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter

  1. Yes it is very sad that people ” in the streets” live by the ” code”. Well I know first hand that the ” code” hurts, simply because my younger sister Sheila Wimes was murdered and her killer or killers has yet been brought to just and it has been 15 years. My family has endured having yo learn to live without her, she and I were supposed to grow old together and swap stories about our grandchildren. Instrad we are left with memories and the heart break of knowing that a killer is still walking amongst us, and I ask where is the “CODE” for the victims of homicides?


  2. Great read!! I wish more ppl cared! And I think this is you being the voice for those that wanna say something, but unsure how!! Keep em coming!!


  3. This is so very true and sad it seems they have selfish beliefs they only matter if its close to home they won’t be happy until this race doesn’t exsist


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